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Torna la Rubrica dedicata alle regole arbitrali del floorball. The column dedicated to floorball referee rules is back.
Torna la Rubrica dedicata alle regole arbitrali del floorball. The column dedicated to floorball referee rules is back.
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Anche l'Italia riparte con i Campionati di massima serie. Italy also restarts with the top flight championships.
Anche l'Italia riparte con i Campionati di massima serie. Italy also restarts with the top flight championships.
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L'Estraliga femminile riparte. La Repubblica Ceca spera anche per i campionati minori. The female Estraliga starts again. The Czech Republic is also hoping for the minor leagues.
L'Estraliga femminile riparte. La Repubblica Ceca spera anche per i campionati minori. The female Estraliga starts again. The Czech Republic is also hoping for the minor leagues.
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