Falun - Storvreta, a never-ending story. Sunday 16 August, 14:00 Race 3

Photo Falun Instagram

 After the beautiful match of the first leg, which ended 8-6 for Falun who put in a great performance, the boys from Storvreta, make up for it in game 2 with a splendid match, which ends 8-2.

Photo Falun Instagram

 An unrecognizable Falun and a Storvreta that leaves no way out for the initiatives of the Falun team.

Photo Falun Instagram

 For the award of the trophy, Giganternas, everything will be decided in game 3, which will be played on Sunday at 14:00 at the Arena Guide and will be visible on the following link:

 Race 3 Falun - Storvreta

The Match

 It will be a great game, a spectacular final and a beautiful final.
