Marcel Wadja... La Costa d'Avorio, la vera vincitrice. E' piaciuta a tutti.

Nasce, dalla collaborazione con floorball Italia, l'idea di intervistare non solo il presidente, ma anche il portiere di queste qualificazioni della Costa d'Avorio, squadra che ha conquistato simpaticamente il cuore di tutti, A queste ultime qualifiche che si sono svolte in Slovacchia.

Floorballmaniatv met Marcel Wadja, president of Côte d'Ivoire, as well as the goalkeeper of the same national team, who received much appreciation for the Slovak qualifications.

Hi Marcel Wadja good morning.


How and where is Floorball born in Ivory Coast?

Côte d'Ivoire Floorball was establish on septembre 19th 2015, after my certificat on hockey in Accra.

How many members and how many clubs are there today?

12 members and 10 clubs.

Is your championship made up of mixed teams or are they male and female?

For the Last 2 year our Championships was mixed teams but the Last saison the Championship mâle and female.

What is the development plan, to make this discipline grow even more?

Since immédiately started to work hardly, we won the gold medal at the special olympics World winter games in austria, and irganized the first Africa Cup in Côte d'Ivoire. We also do développment in school.

Is registration for the IFF coming?

Côte d'Ivoire Floorball is the first Africa  registered as ordinary member since december 2018.

When did the idea of ​​enrolling in the 2020 qualifications start? And why do you only go up to 6?

The idea to enrolling in the WFCQ2020 was that is important that Floorball is growing in Africa its was à big challenge for us with no sponsors. We only come  with 6 players because of visa and financial, for the fly tickets was 1000€  for one person, its was not easy because we used our own money, we got 421€ from the fundraising we did.

How did you feel about facing highly experienced teams?

It's was really amazing moment to face highly expérience team i would to thank slovak Floorball association for what their did for the support and all Africa people.

Henry Oga will go down in history for scoring your first goal, can you describe that moment?

Oga Henry, our youngerst teamate scoring was à spécial moment for all of us, all the players did well they played with they heart we were tired but we did give up.

Now that everyone knows what your next goal is?

Our next goal is to be  the champion of the Africa Cup 2020 and prépare our self for the next WFCQ 2022 we knows now what is internationale Floorball compétition, we are going to train hardly to be the first African teams in the WFC 2022.

Thanks for accepting our interview.
Go Ivory Coast.
