Respected Sir I Shaikh Umar Son Of Shaikh Javed I Played Floorball Last 5 Years In Parbhani District State Maharashtra Country India.
I want Share My Some Floorball Achivment and experience with Floorball Mania TV .
First Of All I Want Thanks Mr.Tommas Erikson Sir President Of (International Floorball Federation) Because He Gave Us Such A Beutiful Oprtunity to play Floorball in the Whole World.
AndI belonging to best Floorball team in India state Name is Maharashtra.
My Coach Name Is Syed Shakeel He's From Maharashtra State In Parbhani District. He's a very helpful person And Very Positive For Floorball game.
And I want to became a Player like Mr.Noor Shaikh Because he's a Inspiration of Lot's of Player in India.
And my Dream is Represent India At International tournament And I also Interested to Join International Floorball Club.
Currently I'm Not advertising floorball in india But In future if I get chance so I have to do.Thanks Floorball Mania TV For Giving Me Opportunity To Show My Talent.
I here by Declare that above information given by me is true to best of my knowledge.
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